10 WhatsApp Marketing Strategies in 2025

Discover effective WhatsApp marketing strategies for small businesses to boost engagement, customer support, and sales.
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10 WhatsApp Marketing Strategies in 2025

Discover effective WhatsApp marketing strategies for small businesses to boost engagement, customer support, and sales.
Nicolas P

10 WhatsApp Marketing Strategies for SMBs

Want to boost your small business with WhatsApp? Here's how:

  1. Set up a Business Profile
  2. Use Broadcast Lists
  3. Post Status Updates
  4. Add Chatbots
  5. Provide Customer Support
  6. Send Targeted Promotions
  7. Create WhatsApp Groups
  8. Connect with Other Marketing Channels
  9. Track and Improve Results
  10. Follow Privacy Rules

Why use WhatsApp for marketing? It's simple:

  • 2 billion+ active users
  • 98% open rate
  • 90-second average response time

That's way better than email or social media.

Here's a quick look at how WhatsApp stacks up:

Messaging Platform Comparison
Feature WhatsApp Email Social Media
Open rate 98% 20-30% Varies
Response time 90 seconds Hours/days Variable
User base 2 billion+ 4 billion+ Platform-dependent
Cost Free/low-cost Free/low-cost Often paid

Ready to dive in? Let's get started with setting up your WhatsApp Business profile.

Related video from YouTube

Set Up a Business Profile

Your WhatsApp Business profile is your digital storefront. Here's how to make it shine:

  1. Download WhatsApp Business
  2. Verify your business number
  3. Fill in your details:
    • Name
    • Logo (640x640 pixels minimum)
    • Category
    • Description (256 characters max)
    • Address
    • Email
    • Website
    • Hours
  4. Add your product catalog

A solid profile builds trust. WhatsApp verifies businesses, showing a green checkmark. This helps customers know they're dealing with a real company.

Take The Polar Company, for example. They use WhatsApp Business to handle 300+ customer service tickets daily. As co-founder Martijn Bohnke puts it:

"We can be more personal with our customers than our competitors."

2. Use Broadcast Lists

WhatsApp Broadcast Lists are a game-changer for SMBs. They let you blast messages to multiple contacts at once. But how do you use them right?

Here's the deal:

  1. Target your lists: Group contacts smartly. By interest, location, or buying habits. This way, you're not shooting in the dark.
  2. Size matters: WhatsApp caps each list at 256 contacts. Got more? Make multiple lists.
  3. Get saved: Only contacts with your number saved will see your broadcasts. Remind customers to add you.
  4. Personal touch: Mass message? Sure. But make it feel one-on-one. Use names if you can.
  5. Watch and learn: Keep tabs on what works. Which messages get read? Which don't? Use this info to up your game.

Here's the kicker: Broadcast Lists are one-way streets. Want back-and-forth? That's what WhatsApp Groups are for.

3. Post Status Updates

WhatsApp Status Updates are a goldmine for SMBs. They let you share temporary content with contacts, giving you a fresh way to engage customers without being pushy.

Here's how to make the most of it:

  1. Mix it up: Use images, videos, and GIFs. A product photo today, a quick how-to video tomorrow.
  2. Showcase new stuff: Got a new product? Share a sneak peek. It builds buzz.
  3. Go behind the scenes: Show what goes on backstage. Share a quick video of your team at work.
  4. Offer tips: Share useful advice. It positions you as an expert.
  5. Ask questions: Run quick polls or ask for feedback. It gets customers involved.

Post a few times a week to keep your audience engaged.

"People were listening and interacting with me privately to say how much they loved looking forward to my WhatsApp status." - Caroline Wabara, Author

This quote shows the power of regular, engaging updates. They create a connection that can lead to more business.

But don't overdo it. Mix promotional content with helpful tips and fun glimpses. This keeps your updates fresh and prevents customer fatigue.

4. Add Chatbots

WhatsApp chatbots can be a game-changer for small and medium businesses. They handle customer questions 24/7, without needing a human to step in.

Here's how to make chatbots work for you:

1. Set up automated responses

Make a list of questions customers ask all the time. Program your chatbot to answer these. It's like having a tireless customer service rep working round the clock.

2. Use AI for smarter chats

Some chatbots can learn from your business data. This means they'll give better, more accurate answers over time.

3. Connect to your systems

Link your chatbot to your CRM or order tracking. Now it can tell customers things like "Your order will arrive tomorrow" without any human help.

4. Have a human backup

Make sure customers can easily talk to a real person if the chatbot gets stuck.

Chatbot Function

What It Does for Your Business

Always on

Customers get help anytime


No more long wait times

FAQ machine

Your staff can focus on trickier tasks

Order updates

Customers stay in the loop

Chatbots aren't just hype. Real businesses are seeing results:

"Our WhatsApp chatbot talked to over 230 landlords in two months. It bumped up our lead-to-appointment rate by 9%." - Choices, UK real estate agency

Looking for a chatbot tool? Here are some options:

  • Tidio: Has a free version and AI smarts
  • Landbot: Free sandbox to play with, easy drag-and-drop setup
  • Respond.io: Try it free for a week, plays nice with other tools

5. Provide Customer Support

WhatsApp isn't just for marketing—it's a customer support powerhouse. Here's how to use it:

  1. Quick responses: Build a library of pre-written answers. You'll respond faster and keep your messaging on-point.
  2. Multimedia magic: Use images, videos, or voice notes. They're perfect for explaining tricky issues.
  3. System integration: Link WhatsApp to your CRM or order tracking. Give real-time updates without platform-hopping.
  4. Set expectations: Tell customers when to expect a reply. Use auto-responders to acknowledge messages and give estimated response times.
  5. Team training: Ensure your support staff knows WhatsApp inside out. That means features and company tone.

Check out these WhatsApp support wins:





Automated FAQs

22% queries handled by bots, 50% faster handling

RACC Mobility Club

Roadside assistance chatbot

20% fewer calls, 70% quicker case handling


Real-time flight updates

Happier customers with timely info

"Our WhatsApp chatbot chatted with 230+ landlords in two months. It boosted our lead-to-appointment rate by 9%." - Choices, UK real estate agency

WhatsApp support isn't just efficient—it's what customers want. Give it a shot and watch your customer satisfaction soar.

6. Send Targeted Promotions

WhatsApp's sky-high open rates make it a goldmine for targeted promotions. Here's how to nail it:

1. Segment your audience

Group customers by interests, purchase history, or demographics. This way, you can tailor offers that hit the spot.

2. Use broadcast lists

Create lists for different segments to blast targeted messages at scale.

3. Personalize messages

Don't just blast generic promos. Include the customer's name and nod to their past purchases or interactions.

4. Time it right

Send promos when customers are most likely to bite.

5. Keep it snappy

Cut the fluff. Get straight to the point.

6. Clear CTA

Tell customers EXACTLY what to do next.

Check out how some businesses crushed it with targeted WhatsApp promos:





Exclusive offers for high-value customers

6.5% conversion rate (2.5x industry average)


WhatsApp button on product pages + personalized support

80% of inbound leads converted to sales


Personalized cooking advice campaign

Boosted customer engagement

Want to supercharge your promos? Try these:

  • Stick to a 3:1 ratio of transactional to promotional messages. Don't be spammy.
  • Sprinkle in some emojis to spice up your messages.
  • Offer first-time buyer discounts to get that initial sale.
  • Create FOMO with limited-time offers and flash sales.

"Personalized marketing is like the vendor who remembers you; their message resonates and results in a richer customer experience." - Bird (formerly MessageBird) Guides

7. Create WhatsApp Groups


WhatsApp groups can be a game-changer for SMBs. Here's how to make them work:

1. Set clear goals

What's your endgame? Customer loyalty? Feedback? Quick support?

2. Create targeted groups

Don't mix everyone. Separate groups for different customer segments keep things relevant.

3. Establish ground rules

Pin a welcome message with the group's purpose and rules. Keeps everyone on the same page.

4. Encourage engagement

Don't just talk AT people. Ask questions. Run polls. Get discussions going.

5. Provide value

Give members a reason to stick around. Exclusive content, early access, behind-the-scenes stuff.

6. Monitor and moderate

Keep an eye on things. Step in when needed to keep it positive.

Different businesses can use WhatsApp groups in unique ways:

WhatsApp Group Strategies by Business Type
Business Type Group Purpose Example Activity
Local Bakery Recipe sharing Weekly baking challenge
Tech Startup Product feedback Beta testing new features
Fitness Studio Motivation Daily workout tips
Bookstore Book club Monthly author Q&As

WhatsApp groups aren't just for marketing. They're for building a community. Use them right, and you'll create a loyal customer base that feels connected to your brand.

"WhatsApp groups allow businesses to communicate directly with multiple customers at once, making it easier to share updates, promotions, and gather feedback." - WhatsApp Business Team

Pro tip: Use the WhatsApp community feature to manage multiple groups. You can create up to 100 groups within a community of 2,000 members. Plenty of room to organize your customer base.

8. Connect with Other Marketing Channels

Want to boost your SMB's reach? Link WhatsApp to your other marketing channels. Here's how:

Add WhatsApp to Your Website

Slap a WhatsApp button on your site. It's an easy way for customers to reach you. And get this: it can bump up conversions by 20%.

WhatsApp Button Types and Placement
Button Type Purpose Where to Put It
Support Chat Help customers Footer or sidebar
Sales Chat Answer product questions Product pages
General Chat Any questions Header or floating button

Use QR Codes

QR codes? They're like a bridge between your offline and online marketing:

  • Stick 'em on business cards, flyers, and product packaging
  • Link straight to your WhatsApp chat or a specific page
  • Track scans to see how well your campaign's doing

Mix It Up with Social Media

Blend WhatsApp into your social media game:

  • Drop your WhatsApp number in your social bios
  • Use social posts to hype up WhatsApp-only deals
  • Move customer service chats from public comments to private WhatsApp convos

Absolut's "Svensational" Campaign: A Case Study

Absolut Vodka pulled off a smart cross-channel campaign:

  1. Dropped a WhatsApp number on social media
  2. Got users chatting with "Sven", a virtual bartender
  3. Pushed the campaign across multiple platforms

The result? Tons of engagement on both social media and WhatsApp.

Smooth Integration Tips

  • Keep your branding consistent everywhere
  • Use auto-responses for initial messages
  • Keep reminding folks about your WhatsApp on other platforms

9. Track and Improve Results

Want to boost your WhatsApp marketing? You need to know how you're doing. Here's the scoop:

WhatsApp Business Case Studies
Company Strategy Results
Decathlon Automated FAQs 22% queries handled by bots, 50% faster handling
RACC Mobility Club Roadside assistance chatbot 20% fewer calls, 70% quicker case handling
KLM Real-time flight updates Happier customers with timely info
Choices (UK real estate agency) WhatsApp chatbot 230+ landlords chatted in two months, 9% boost in lead-to-appointment rate

WhatsApp support isn't just efficient—it's what customers want. Give it a shot and watch your customer satisfaction soar.

Tracking Tools

  1. WhatsApp Business App: Basic stats like messages sent, delivered, and read.
  2. WhatsApp Business API: Deeper analytics for bigger teams.
  3. UTM Parameters: Add to links to track traffic in Google Analytics.
  4. CRM Integration: Connect WhatsApp to your CRM for a full customer view.

Make It Better

  • Try different message types: text, images, videos. See what works.
  • Group your contacts: Target based on interests or behavior.
  • Find the best send times: When do people respond most?
  • Get personal: Use customer data to tailor your messages.

Jack Wolfskin, an outdoor clothing company, crushed it:

"We focused on interactive, personal WhatsApp messages. Result? Click-through rates of 23% to 30%. Way above average."

How Do You Stack Up?

Industry averages:

  • Open Rate: 81%
  • Click-Through Rate: 13.4%
  • Revenue per Recipient: €1.88

But don't sweat these numbers too much. Focus on beating your own scores over time.

10. Follow Privacy Rules

Using WhatsApp for business? You need to play by the rules. Here's how:

1. Get Permission First

Ask customers to opt-in before sending messages. Use clear language like "Want updates via WhatsApp? Check this box!" Keep proof of consent - it's the law.

2. Be Clear About Data Use

Tell customers what info you collect and why. Link to your privacy policy in your WhatsApp profile. Explain how long you'll keep their data.

3. Respect the Opt-Out

Make it easy for people to stop getting messages. Honor opt-out requests right away. Don't send any more marketing after they say "stop".

4. Keep Data Safe

Use WhatsApp Business on a separate work phone. Only add business contacts to that phone. Turn on end-to-end backup encryption in WhatsApp settings.

5. Handle Data Requests

Be ready if customers ask to see their data. Set up a process to delete user info if asked. Train your team on data protection rules.

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines shows how it's done:

"We ensure customers opt-in to WhatsApp communications during booking. We only collect necessary data for flight updates and use EU-certified partners to handle messages. Customers can easily access or delete their data on request." - KLM spokesperson

Breaking privacy rules can lead to big fines and upset customers. Stay on the right side of the law, and you'll build trust while avoiding trouble.


WhatsApp marketing can be a game-changer for small and medium-sized businesses. Here's how to make it work for you:

1. Set up and optimize your WhatsApp Business account

Get access to features like automated messages and product catalogs. It's your first step to professional WhatsApp marketing.

2. Use broadcast lists and status updates

Send targeted messages to different customer groups. Keep your audience engaged with regular status updates.

3. Leverage chatbots and provide excellent customer service

Use chatbots for 24/7 support. Solve customer issues quickly to build loyalty.

4. Personalize your approach

Send promotions based on customer preferences. Create groups for community building and feedback.

5. Integrate and track

Link WhatsApp with other marketing channels. Track metrics like open rates and conversions to improve your campaigns.

Remember: WhatsApp marketing isn't just about selling. It's about building relationships. Provide value through helpful content and timely support.

"Airtel Xstream boosted app installations by 20% using WhatsApp for timely updates."

"Navi increased insurance upsell conversions by 1.5x by nurturing leads through WhatsApp."

"KLM Royal Dutch Airlines uses WhatsApp to send real-time flight updates and boarding passes, improving customer experience."

Ready to start? Here's what to do:

  1. Install WhatsApp Business and set up your profile
  2. Build a contact list (with permission) and create customer segments
  3. Plan your content strategy - mix promotions with helpful info
  4. Start small, test, and scale what works

With 2.7 billion monthly users, WhatsApp is a massive opportunity. Use these strategies, focus on customer needs, and watch your SMB grow.

"Our WhatsApp chatbot chatted with 230+ landlords in two months. It boosted our lead-to-appointment rate by 9%." - Choices, UK real estate agency

WhatsApp support isn't just efficient—it's what customers want. Give it a shot and watch your customer satisfaction soar.

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Want to go further on WhatsApp?

Try Kanal, the all-in-one tool for managing your business with WhatsApp. Interact with your prospects and customers, create campaigns and manage your contacts. Ready to give it a try?
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+30% CTR

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